Aysha’s Coaching Methods

Business and Relationship/Life coaching provides the most effective means by which to accomplish your goals. It is a co-commitment between coach and client to work together over a period of time to examine, organize, prioritize, research and plan the actions necessary for your success.

Our Relationship. The client-coach relationship is totally confidential and models positive business relationships. I provide value and service to support you in identifying, expressing and enjoying the success of fulfilling your goals and dreams.

Outcomes. I focus on results. This may seem obvious, but it is not. It can be easy to focus on tasks to the point that you sometimes forget where you are going. I help you focus on your intentions and on the powerful, compelling future that you want to create. Sometimes we have to balance your other priorities with your desired outcomes, adjusting to your discoveries about yourself and your values. This is part of the process that leads to greater satisfaction in your business and all aspects of your life.

Possibility. When you are stuck, mired in complaints and negativity, I hold for you the faith, the space and the encouragement to keep pushing forward in the face of uncertainty and difficult challenges. In taking responsibility for your actions creations create, you experience aliveness in your own power and possibility.

Commitment and potential. My job as your coach is to be your “stake in the ground” for what you can be and do. If you waiver, as we all do from time to time, I will help you return to the knowledge of your potential, and your commitment to you most ambitious, noble, and inspiring goals.

Equal footing. We are on equal ground, holding one another accountable, and remaining open, honest, and authentic about our reactions to each others words and deeds. In those reactions are deeper understandings and richer learnings.

Dialogue. Coaching is not about lecturing or providing pat answers. Your vision, goals and dreams, how you define success, and the actions you choose to take are unique to you. Through our on-going dialogue, we explore what is possible, viable, and will best support you. It is my role to ensure I hear you and help you explore your challenges and issues, and assess solutions.

Capacity. My goal is also to help you improve your capabilities and performance over the long term, to create a satisfying, integrated life. There are many ways to build capacity: letting you reach your own conclusions and insights; serving as an example or role model; offering training and teaching; providing challenging assignments.

Street smarts. In addition to my own formal  training – as a certified business plan writer and relationship coach – I have worked with hundreds of businesses, non-profit organizations and creative individuals since 1985.  I have also founded and managed four of my own enterprises. I understand not just theory, but practical pathways to results. I have “been there and done that,” and I will share with you successes, failures, and creative ways to improve results, no matter what resources you think you have to work with.