Determine Your Self-Publishing Goals

Answering these questions should provide you greater insight into how best to proceed.

1.    At what stage is your manuscript?
__ Idea/Outline
__ Started but not completed
__ Completed but not edited
__ Edited, proofread and ready to go
If other than “ready to go,” I can provide complete coaching for idea development and market segmentation, editing and proofing.

2.    Have you written a bio and are you fully satisfied with it?
__ Yes
__  No

If No, I will work with to craft a succinct bio relevant to your book.

3.    Do you have quotes (endorsements) from relevant authorities?
__ Yes
__  No
If No, I will help you identify and make contact with key people.

4.    Do you want to research possible publishers  (and/or agents)?
__ Yes
__  No

If Yes, we will develop a research strategy and compose a compelling query letter.

5.    Do you plan to self-publish?
__ Yes
__  No
__  Uncertain
If Yes, we will proceed to choosing a POD publisher appropriate to your book and ePublishing formats. 
If No, we will work on #4. 
If Uncertain, we’ll discuss your options and “what it all means” so you can make an informed decision.

6.    In what time frame would you like to see your book published?
__ Immediately
__ 3-6 months
__ 6-12 months

7.    Do you have an extensive online presence and network?
__ Yes
__  No
If you’d like to discuss your answers, and questions, contact Aysha to schedule a consultation.