Posts tagged love your body

Free Online Course to Lose Weight

A new year is upon us and, for many, that means resolutions to lose weight and get the body you want. I am here to encourage you in that!

You've created the body you currently inhabit and, if you want, you can create something new and more wonderful.

A good place to start is understanding and examining what has been keeping you from such goals. Hay House Publishing is offering a free 6-week online course called “What Have You Got To Lose?” Each lesson features one of their well-known authors, with holistic and sound approaches to body image and weight loss  – Marianne Williamson, Brad Lamm, Bill Phillips, Dr. Michael Snyder, Chris Downie, Jorge Cruise.

If you’ve been struggling with weight, it’s probably been going on for years, maybe most of your adult life. So, wouldn’t it be wonderful if by this time next year you have reached your ideal weight, have minimized health issues related to obesity, and feel fit, well and sexy? Imagine that. I mean, really envision your self looking, feeling and being all that it means to be fit and trim. Then start gently and lovingly to take charge of one of the few things in life only you can control — your body!

It isn’t about counting calories or joining a gym you’ll never go it, it’s about changing your thoughts and belief systems; it’s about self love. If I could do it, so can you! (Read my experience). The satisfaction and appreciation is enormous and empowering, and all who love you will support your changes. No matter how many times you may have “tried and failed,” please be fearless this time, and declare your intention to making 2011 The Year of Reclaiming the great body and health you deserve!

I welcome your comments below, and am available for coaching. If you decide to purchase any books or materials from Hay House, I’d appreciate if you’d come back to this site and click on the Hay House ad on the right column of each page – thanks!

Slow Down!

Like a dish or glass that slips from your hand, you know in that instant, it’s going to break. So it is in an instant that we slip, trip, stumble or otherwise fall and “have an accident”. And the most common reason “accidents” happen is because we get in a hurry.

Recently, my friend’s vibrant 84 year old mother dashed out of the house with a squirt gun to scare off a local cat and slipped, hitting her head and causing a concussion and the need for a few stitches. My sister, 50, raced in her heeled clogs across the alley in the dark to add something to the garbage can, twisted her ankle on uneven pavement and fell down, fracturing her elbow. A friend, 60, late for an appointment but needing to stop for gas, jumped out of her car, raced around the car to place the gas nozzel in the tank and slipped on a small puddle of oil, severely bruising her hip and thigh.

Each of these events happened in an instant. The pain, inconvenience, time and money (in addition to the embarrassment and self-recrimination!) could have been spared had they just slowed down.

This may sound obvious, but when we’re in a hurry, focused on a goal, we’re not paying attention to the moment. It is only in the moment that anything happens. One moment leads to the next. Being present in each moment can get us – safely – to our goal.

What I take away from these undesirable events is:

• always keep your gas tank at least half full
• know on what side of your car the gas tank resides
• move deliberately and watch where you’re going
• if it’s dark: turn on the lights
• wear sensible shoes
• don’t mess with neighborhood cats

Spontaneity and impulsiveness can be enlivening, but not at the cost of your well-being. Please be careful with your self.

Any other advice? do you have a personal story to share? Please add your comments.

7 Ideas For A Joyful Holiday Season

Christmas Eve, Canyon Road, Santa Fe, NM – a magical tradition. This could be #8: Get out and do something festive!

I admire people who just love the holidays and approach the season’s festivities with boundless enthusiasm. But I can’t relate. If, like for me, the holidays hold for you some sadness from past loss, cynicism, loneliness, or lack of joy, I thought it might be useful to come up some ways to make it different this year. Here goes…

1. Do something Unusual: Make up a dozen gift bags and give them to homeless people. Buy a box of “cuties” (tangerines) and some small gift bags. Bake a big batch of cookies and put a few in plastic wrap or sandwich bag. Write a note on pretty cards you have lying around, or make up cards (a small piece of paper-backed wrapping paper makes nice gift cards); tie a ribbon around it. If you have a dog, include some of his treats for those on the streets with canine companions (mark those bags separately). Each bag should cost about $1.25. For about $15, we can give ourselves an incalculable gift.

2. Spend a block of uninterrupted hours going through your closet. Ruthlessly toss out every item that no longer is fashionable or fits, hasn’t been worn in the past 18 months, or is too worn. Put it all into garbage sacks or boxes and deliver it immediately to a local shelter or thrift shop. As you drop it off, appreciate yourself for having created such abundance that you can give it away. Let it go with your blessings.

3. Start and/or Finish A Creative Project. You may have an art project, a home repair or improvement project, reading or writing to catch up on; whatever has been on your mind. I plan to finally digitize old family albums. Just do it, complete it, and appreciate your desire and ability to express yourself creatively. And whatever you do, enjoy the process and do not judge the outcome.

4. Make some dates. Be sure to get together with friends, even if just for a cup of tea or walk around the block. Hug sincerely and relish your time together, as it is always precious.

5. Pick up the phone and call those far away who you love. Let them hear your voice, and hear theirs. Put aside any conflicts that may exist and be happy you have them in your personal circle of Life.

6. Pamper Yourself. You can do this at home without spending any money. A bubble bath, a facial (homemade recipes on line), an afternoon nap – give your self the gift of Time spent loving and enjoying Your Beautiful Unique Self.

7. Create a Vision Board for the new year. This is a fun, easy process I teach in workshops. It allows your unconscious mind to let your conscious mind know what it’s thinking about and desiring. In creating this visual board of imagination, you are apt to manifest what You want for yourself. Some call it the Law of Attraction; I call it Get Real To Make Real. You have to know what you want in order to appreciate your Power as a Creator. You have to know where you’re going in order to Celebrate having arrived.

Materials & Process: A piece of construction paper, poster board, cardboard, scissors, glue stick (you can also add markers, paints or whatever art supplies you have). Spend some time flipping through magazines and cut or tear out imagines and words that catch your attention; don’t think about them, just respond. After you have a pile of cutouts, start to arrange them on the board however makes sense to you, and glue them down. In a couple of hours, you’ve created a collage that is meaningful to you. Post it in a place you’ll see it often. Remember to look at it, enjoy it, and step into and believe in the dreams you made visible.

So, here are seven ideas I plan to implement in the next three weeks between now and January 3, 2011. I’d love to hear your ideas and feedback on these – please comment below. And, after this holiday season, I’d love to know how how joyful you were able to make yours!

Happy Holidays!

How To Lose That “Last 10 Pounds”

This article is primarily about losing weight, but the metaphor of the “last 10 pounds” applies also to any dream you’ve been putting off, delaying, waiting to happen. Please read on…

In my case it was 15 pounds. In yours it could be 5 or 50. It doesn’t matter. What matters is having the courage to face facts and take action. Don’t turn off yet! It is really possible to do this! Nearly three years ago, at age 52, I got disgusted with the fact that every year on my “New Years Resolution” list, for as long as I could remember, I wrote: lose 10 pounds.

While I had been able to accomplish (or dismiss) many other goals, this one remained persistently unsatisfied, and it plagued me every day of my life.I was reminded of my failure each time I got dressed and stood in front of the mirror wondering, “Do I look fat in this?” Of course I looked fat! I was fat or, rather, had fat that embarrassed me.  Read More >>>