Posts tagged self talk

Minding My Own Business

Whose Business Are You In?

A friend invited me to a free “healing session” with a woman she had a private session with the day before. She warned me that this healer talked a lot and was not someone with whom she connected personally, but the transmission was powerful and she felt strongly I would benefit from it.

Indeed, the healer went on and on about herself, sang us a long and boring song (which she said was the “short version”) and finally got down to the energy shifting part of the evening. I was physically uncomfortable lying on the floor (not knowing we were supposed to bring a mat and blanket), but I tried to remain present and open to whatever I might receive. Read More >>>

How To Lose That “Last 10 Pounds”

This article is primarily about losing weight, but the metaphor of the “last 10 pounds” applies also to any dream you’ve been putting off, delaying, waiting to happen. Please read on…

In my case it was 15 pounds. In yours it could be 5 or 50. It doesn’t matter. What matters is having the courage to face facts and take action. Don’t turn off yet! It is really possible to do this! Nearly three years ago, at age 52, I got disgusted with the fact that every year on my “New Years Resolution” list, for as long as I could remember, I wrote: lose 10 pounds.

While I had been able to accomplish (or dismiss) many other goals, this one remained persistently unsatisfied, and it plagued me every day of my life.I was reminded of my failure each time I got dressed and stood in front of the mirror wondering, “Do I look fat in this?” Of course I looked fat! I was fat or, rather, had fat that embarrassed me.  Read More >>>